21 March 2011

Assignment 5 - Climate Change

Task: Create ONE Infographic to illustrate an article on the topic of climate change.

I first start out with finding a suitable article for my infographic. The article that I got was from National Climate Change Secretariat Singapore.

Source: Give our trees a chance

I extract out the important points to add into my infographic. Below are the paraphrases/extracts from the article:

  • Forest play a vital role in our lives, yet in many places people just cannot wait to take an axe to them
  • Forest provide us with everything from furniture to food, medicine, water and oxygen
  • Good transportation links make it easy for trading to flourish, encouraging further deforestation
  • Chop down the trees and that carbon is released into the atmosphere
  • Half of planet's original forests have been cleared
  • Loss in the past 10 000 years = ¼ of loss in the past 30 years
  • Could vanish in 100 years
  • 2.8 million ha of forest were chopped down or burnt a year from 1990 to 2005
  • Deforestation contributes almost 20% to global greenhouse gas emissions
  • 13 million ha of forest a year between 2000-2010 – down from about 16 million in the 1990 to 2000 period
  • Reforestation programmes in China, India and Vietnam
 With these points in mind, I went on to do a rough sketch for my infographic.
 I then create a computer graphic based on the rough and the points that I have extracted from the article.
There were several comments that I got from the class.
  1. I should consider concentrating on either deforestation or reforestation. 
  2. The items on the infographic seems to be cluttered. 
  3. The gradient of the trees looks wrong. It is as if the trees are falling off.
  4. The trees in the forest should be of variable shapes and sizes.
  5. The information given should be shorten to ease reading.
Following the comments, I draw another rough sketch for my infographic. This time, I concentrated on deforestation rather than reforestation.
I then create the computer graphic for this second draft.
The concept of my infographic is deforestation. In this infographic, I highlight the effect of deforestation, the amount of forest lost every year and the possibility that the world's rainforest can vanish in 100 years time. I hope this infographic can raise people's awareness on the fact that deforestation have negative impact to the environment.

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